Fine Mohajarran Sarouk Rug

The floral pattern seen on this lovely rug was woven in different centres and qualities around Western Persia in the first quarter of the 20th century. The famous town of Sarouk produced some of the nicest examples. Many of them were exported to the USA and came to be known as 'American' Sarouks. The finest group of American Sarouks came to be known as 'Mohajarran' Sarouks. Every aspect of Mohajarran Sarouk rugs was superior, from the wool quality to the fineness of the weave, and the finesse of the design. This rug fits the description well. The wool is soft and glossy, while the weave is fine and densely packed giving the rug a very solid handle. The pile has been clipped low revealing every aspect of the floral elements perfectly. The balance of the design is restrained and the limited colour palette, dominated by a dusky pink, is elegant. Cherished through the generations, this rug has survived in really excellent condition. Professionally cleaned.
Cat No: TH009
Dimensions: 1.99m x 1.28m
Date: Circa 1920
Price: £2400.00