Fine Silk Tabriz Rug

This beautiful jewel-like silk rug was probably produced in the famous Haji Jalili workshop in Tabriz around 1900. The silk quality is exceptional, soft and glossy, and the knot count is high as one would expect. Note the format and dimensions of the rug which is very typical of Tabriz weaving of the period. The design is composed of a circular medallion on a ruby red field, a quarter of which is repeated in each corner of the field. The medallion is surrounded by delicate floral forms and leaves in a lovely balanced format. I particularly like the main border which is composed of repeating floral clusters on a pale blue background. The whole composition is elegant and masterfully executed by one of the most famous Persian master weavers of the period. Only a few colours have been used to create is beauty which I believe adds to the luxurious feeling that it exudes. Cherished through the generations, it has clearly been used sparingly and with care, and have survived in excellent condition. A recent professional cleaning has enhanced the glossiness of the silk.
Cat No: BM008
Dimensions: 1.62m x 1.18m
Date: Circa 1900
Price: £7500.00